Posts Tagged ‘Life without limbs’

You might have heard about him or somewhere in the social media or websites you would have seen him, a person with no arms and legs but have a little chicken drumstick, i am talking about Nick Vujicic. An Australian evangelist and motivational speaker, who is affected by Tetra amelai syndrome.

I have heard about him and i have watched his videos. He is really superb. Last Saturday (25.08.12) the time has come for me to show his video to my students. As usual they don’t want class. May be they were enormously stuffed with my teachings (!!?). Or the previous sessions did whatever it can do to collapse their day. whatever the reason there were no class.

Jolly..! (4 me too) (more…)

Think of a situation if we do not have one of our arms. Shocking to imagine. we cant do anything. If we do not have both the arms, we feel waste living its better to die. A man from birth who doesn’t have both his arms and legs lives his life completely with a greater purpose by motivating other to live a happy life.

Nick vujicic, inspired me a lot when i first watched his video talking to hundreds of school girls in a school in Australia. It was short clip i have downloaded from Youtube. A 15 minute video which made me to cry and taught me a great lesson for my life, each and every person in this world have some problem, we are not here in this world to worry but to live, that by benefiting others. (more…)